Information for Code Club Presenters


  • Each Code Club session should be represented by one post on the website at

  • Regular presenters will be given direct access to the Github repository and will be able to push a new post to the website directly.

  • Occasional presenters can either send their material directly to Jelmer or create a “pull request” with their new post.

  • Content should be written in R Markdown (.Rmd) or “plain” Markdown (.md). If you write in .Rmd, you need to render to .md locally. Conversion of .md to an HTML file suitable for the website will be done automatically upon pushing the master branch of the repository.

  • Make sure to get the session materials onto the website at least several days before the session.

Getting your files onto the site

1: Get the repo

You only need to do this if you want to create a pull request or push your content to the website directly. If you want to send your (R) Markdown file by email, skip this and continue to Step 2.

The following assumes you have git installed, set up, have a Github account, and have your git linked up to Github.

Option A: Fork the repo to prep for a Pull Request

  • Fork the repo: go to and click the Fork button way in the top-right corner of the page.

  • Get the URL for your repo: In your forked repo, click the green Code button and copy the URL for the repo to your clipboard (either the HTTPS or the SSH URL; the former will be less likely to lead to authentication problems).

  • Go to a dir that you would like to be the parent dir of the Biodash/Codeclub repo:

    cd my-dir
  • Clone your forked repo, using the URL that you copied to your clipboard:

    git clone<YOUR-USERNAME>/
  • Move into the newly cloned (downloaded) repository dir:

  • Add the original repository as an “upstream” remote:

    git remote add upstream

    You can check which remote repos (i.e., repos on Github) are linked to your local repo using:

    git remote -v

    This should show your forked repo as “origin”, and the original repo as “upstream”. You won’t be able to push to the original repo, but you can push to your forked repo and then submit a pull request, as we’ll do below.

Option B: Clone the repo directly (direct access required)

  • Go to a dir that you would like to be the parent dir of the Biodash/Codeclub repo:

    cd my-dir
  • Clone the website repo:

    git clone # Using HTTPS
    # Or: `git clone` using SSH
  • Create a new branch (by way of example called “my-branch”) and switch to it:

    git checkout -b my-branch

    Creating a new branch is not strictly necessary but it may be safer/easier to experiment in.

2: Create a Code Club post

  • Here, we’ll use the hugodown package to create a Markdown skeleton for our post, and below we’ll also use hugodown to preview the site.

    Note that you can easily bypass hugodown by simply copying the YAML header from the first code club session (see here for the .Rmd file) into a new file and taking it from there.

    If you don’t have the hugodown package installed, install it:

    remotes::install_github("r-lib/hugodown") # Or equivalently, use devtools::install_githhub()
  • A post bundle is a separate folder for a post which will hold the R Markdown file that contains the post, as well as associated images and so on. To create a post bundle along with a R Markdown file that already has many useful YAML header tags:

    # An example would be: hugodown::use_post('codeclub/01_intro-to-R')

    The <session-number> is the actual Code Club session number, and <short-title> is a short title that you would like to give the post, which will be used for links and the folder name.

    The name of the .Rmd file will be index.Rmd, and it should keep that name! Keep this name also if you create your .Rmd manually or by copying the file from another Code Club session. It will eventually turn into index.html, which is the name that will trigger the file to be displayed on the website.
  • Fill out some of the YAML, such as the title, subtitle, authors (in kebab-case, e.g. john-doe, to link to your author profile; note that Jelmer’s name here is “admin”), and optionally tags and summary (the summary will appear on Biodash’s front page in the “Recent Posts” widget; this can be good to fill out here because the default summary can be awkward, as it combines headers and paragraphs).

    If you specify a date using the `date` tag in the YAML, and this date is in the future (e.g. the date of the Code Club session), the page will not be built and will thus not appear on the website! Specifiying the date using `date` or `lastmod` in the YAML is not particularly useful anyway -- when you edit the post after the specified date, it will use the edit date.
  • Write the contents of your Code Club session that you would like to share with participants, in R Markdown format. For formatting tips, see below.

If you want participants to load an R Markdown file or script:
An easy solution is to place the file in the same directory as your post, and include it in your git commit, so it will be uploaded to Github. In that case, the URL to the file for direct downloads for participants will be:<session-number>_<short-title>/<filename>.

In your post, include a function call like<script-URL>) for participants to get the file – this will work both for participants working locally and those working in an OSC RStudio Server instance.

If your session contains a dataset:
Like for the markdown/script, place the file(s) in the same directory as your post. If you have a markdown/script for participants, include<dataset-URL>) in this file, otherwise include it directly in your post.

  • Convert your .Rmd (R Markdown) file to a .md (Markdown) file.

    Hugo renders .md but not .Rmd to HTML, so we have to always render to .md first when writing in .Rmd.

    Since your output is specified as hugodown::md_document, this is done most easily by “knitting” your post in RStudio by clicking Knit in the top bar, or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + K.

3: Preview your post or build the website (optional)

You can do this in two ways, from RStudio or from the command line.

Option A: In RStudio

  • Install Hugo:

  • Preview the website:

    #> Starting server on port 1313

    This will provide a preview RStudio. To look at it in a browser, go to localhost:1313, where 1313 corresponds to the port returned in the R console (see above).

Option B: From the command line

  • Install Hugo using these instructions.

  • Serve the website locally:

    hugo serve

    You will see a message that includes “Web Server is available at […]”. Click the link or copy and paste the address into a browser, and you will see the rendered website.

    The server will keep running and will update whenever you save changes in a file that is within the website directory, until you stop it using Ctrl + C.

Side note: Building the website

Note that you don’t need to build the website, because it will be built automatically from Markdown files whenever you push to (the master branch of) the Github repo.

But as background info, or in case automatic builds fail, here is how you would build the site:

  • Using Hugo from the shell:

    hugo -d docs/
  • Using hugodown in R:

    hugodown::hugo_build(dest = "docs")

The entire rendered website is in the docs/ dir; HTML files rendered from Markdown files will be placed there, any images and other files will be copied there, and so on.

4: Commit

  • Add the files from your post:

    git add codeclub/<your-post-name>/*
    ## Or, e.g. if you added files elswehere too, or have built the site:
    # git add *
  • Check if all your changes and new files have been staged:

    git status
  • Commit:

    git commit -m "Add CodeClub session <session-nr> by <your-name>"

5: Push or submit pull request

Your Markdown (.md) file(s) will be built along with the rest of the website by Hugo. Using Github Actions, this will be done automatically upon pushing to the master branch on Github, which is all we need to do. Note that the built website will be committed by Github Actions not to the master branch but to the gh-actions branch.

Option A: Create a pull request

When you create a pull request, you are asking the maintainers of a repository to pull your changes into their repository.

  • Pull from the original repo to make sure your repo is up-to-date:

    git pull upstream master      # "upstream" refers to the original Github repo

    This will first fetch the upstream changes and then merge them into your local repo, thus keeping your local changes. If git does not manage to perform this merge automatically, which can happen if the same parts of the same files have been edited both locally and upstream, there will be a merge conflict which you will need to resolve manually.

  • Push to your forked repo:

    git push origin master        # "origin" refers to your forked Github repo
  • Create the pull request:

    1. Go to the Pull requests page of our repo at
    2. Click the green button on the right that says New pull request.
    3. Under the large Compare changes header, click Compare across forks.
    4. In the drop-down menu to the right of the arrow, select your fork.
    5. Enter a title (e.g. “New Post: Session 6") and description (say a little more about the post) for the pull request.
    6. Click the green button Send pull request.

For a more detailed step-by-step of creating a pull request from a fork, see here.

Option B: Push to the site repo (direct access required)

  • Merge your branch with the main (master) branch:

    git checkout master       # Move to the master branch prior to merging
    git merge my-branch       # Merge into master (assuming your branch was named "my-branch")
  • Push to the master branch:

    git push origin master

6: Install packages at OSC (optional)

Many R packages are already installed at OSC (nearly 200 for R 4.0.2), including the tidyverse. You can check which packages have been installed by typing, in an R session at OSC:


This will list packages by library, which should include two locations available to all OSC users (starting with /usr/local/R), your personal library, and the Code Club library (/fs/ess/PAS1838/CODECLUB/Rpkgs).

If you want to make another package available to Code Club participants, you can do so as follows in an RStudio Server session at OSC:

install.packages("<pkg-name>", lib = "/fs/ess/PAS1838/CODECLUB/Rpkgs")

This library is available to all members of the Code Club OSC classroom project. To check specifically which packages are available in this library – and whether your newly installed package has indeed been installed here, type:

library(lib.loc = "/fs/ess/PAS1838/CODECLUB/Rpkgs")

Alternatively, you can let participants working at OSC install the packages themselves, like participants that work locally will have to do.

Formatting tips


  • If you want a Table of Contents (TOC) for your file, add a line toc: true to the YAML (not indented, as it is not an option of the output format).

  • To add an image, put it in the same directory as the markdown file, and refer to it without prepending a path.

  • <br> will insert a line break, which can be useful to get more space between sections.

  • I add lines above each major section header using ---- (preceded by a <br>).

  • Add a line that reads source_extension: '.Rmd' (not indented) to your R Markdown, which will ensure that there is a link to the source document at the top of your post.
    EDIT: I have removed these source links for now. They were also visible in the “Recent Posts” widget on the home page, and some people clicked on that link rather than the website link. Then, they ended up on in the Github repo but didn’t even know they were in the wrong place since the contents of the post is present.

Hidden sections

It can be useful to provide solutions to small challenges in the file, but to hide them by default. This can be done with a little HTML:

Solution (click here)

... Your solution - this can be a long section including a code block...

This is rendered as:

Solution (click here)

… Your solution - this can be a long section including a code block…


Info/alert notes

To produce boxes to draw attention to specific content, you can use two classes specific to the Hugo Academic Theme (now branded as “Wowchemy”).

  • alert-note for a blue box with an info symbol:

    <div class="alert alert-note">
    This is an alert note.

    Which is rendered as:

    This is an alert note.
  • alert-warning for a red box with a warning symbol:

    <div class="alert alert-warning">
    This is an alert warning.

    Which is rendered as:

    This is an alert warning.
  • I also added a custom class, puzzle:

    <div class="alert puzzle">
    This is a puzzle div, for do-it-yourself challenges.
    This is a puzzle div, for do-it-yourself challenges.

    Custom classes and other custom formatting can be written in CSS in the assets/scss/custom.scss file.

  • All of these classes can also be called using pandoc’s ::: notation when you’re writing in .Rmd (but not if you’re writing in .md), e.g.:

    This is a puzzle div, for do-it-yourself challenges.

Code highlighting

Code highlighting doesn't work with out of the box with .Rmd files. But it should be possible to get it to work, stay tuned!

Hugo supports the highlighting of specific lines of code using the syntax below in md documents:

```r {hl_lines=[1,"3-4"]}
weight_df %>%
  mutate(mean_weight = mean(weight)) %>%
  select(mean_weight, everything())
weight_df %>%
  mutate(mean_weight = mean(weight)) %>%
  select(mean_weight, everything())


Like code highlighting, shortcodes only work with .md files. The blogdown package has a shortcode() function to support them (see here), but hugodown does not support them.

Hugo shortcodes are little code snippets for specific content. Some of these are specific to Wowchemy, and others are available for any Hugo site.

Highlight text

You can highlight text as follows:

Here is some {{< hl >}}highlighted text{{< /hl >}}.

This will render as:


Wowchemy supports shortcodes for icons, for instance:

{{< icon name="r-project" pack="fab" >}}
{{< icon name="python" pack="fab" >}}
{{< icon name="terminal" pack="fas" >}}

General Hugo shortcodes

For more info and more shortcodes, see the Hugo documentation on shortcodes.