class:inverse middle center # Introductory notes on <br>RNA-seq and NGS data ---- <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> ### Jelmer Poelstra ### 2021/01/07 (updated: 2021-02-01) --- ## RNA-seq applications - Transcriptome assembly - Needed when no reference genome is available - Can also be done to identify novel transcripts - SNP detection - **Differential expression** --- ## Overview of the analysis pipeline <p align="center"> <img src=img/pipeline-overview1.png width="90%"> </p> --- ## Overview of the analysis pipeline <p align="center"> <img src=img/pipeline-overview2.png width="90%"> </p> --- ## fasta files (*.fasta* or *.fa*) Can have one or (many) more sequences of any length. For every sequence: - The first line has a sequence identifier starting with `>` - The second line has the sequence (can be spread across multiple lines!) ```sh >unique_sequence_ID Optional description (free form!) ATTCATTAAAGCAGTTTATTGGCTTAATGTACATCAGTGAAATCATAAATGCTAAAAA >unique_sequence_ID2 ATTCATTAAAGCAGTTTATTGGCTTAATGTACATCAGTGAAATCATAAATGCTAAATG ``` -- .content-box-info[ Sequences can be individuals reads or *consensus* sequences. ] .content-box-info[ Reference genomes are usually stored as fasta files, with each chromosome/scaffold as a sequence entry. ] --- ## fastq files (*.fastq* or *.fq*) - Basically a fasta file with quality scores added, but more formalized. Represents individual reads from a sequencer. -- - Each read (sequence) *covers exactly 4 lines*: | Line | Description | |------|-------------| | 1 | Sequence header: begins with **`@`**, then information about the read | 2 | DNA sequence | 3 | **`+`** separator (optionally with repeated header) | 4 | Quality scores: *a single character for each base*, <br>1-on-1 correspondence with sequences on line 2. ```sh @DJB775P1:248:D0MDGACXX:7:1202:12362:49613 TGCTTACTCTGCGTTGATACCACTGCTTAGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAA + JJJJJIIJJJJJJHIHHHGHFFFFFFCEEEEEDBD?DDDDDDBDDDABDDCA @DJB775P1:248:D0MDGACXX:7:1202:12782:49716 CTCTGCGTTGATACCACTGCTTACTCTGCGTTGATACCACTGCTTAGATCGG + IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHFFFFFFEECCCCBCECCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ``` --- ## fastq header <br> <p align="center"> <img src=img/fastq.png width="120%"> </p> --- ## fastq quality score - Each base call is associated with a quality score (Q): .content-box-purple[ **Q = -10 x log10(P)** ] - Where P is the probability that a base call is erroneous: | Q score | P error | rough interpretation | |---------|-----------|-------| | 10 | 1:10 | bad | | 20 | 1:100 | bad | | 30 | 1:1,000 | good | | 40 | 1:10,000 | excellent | --- ## fastq quality score (cont.) - Illumina quality scores can go up to 62, and to allow for a single-character representation, the quality score is presented by an ASCII character. - Because some ASCII characters are not printable, the lowest quality score is not the first ASCII character, but there is an offset: | Symbol | ASCII Code | Q | |--------|------------|---| | ! | 33 | 0 | | " | 34 | 1 | | # | 35 | 2 | | $ | 36 | 3 | Etc... See [this Illumina webpage]( --- ## Side note: Paired-end reads <br> <p align="center"> <img src=img/forward-reverse-reads.png width="120%"> </p> --- ## FastQC .pull-left[ **Good:** <p align="center"> <img src=img/fastqc_good.png width="100%"> </p> ] .pull-right[ **Bad:** <p align="center"> <img src=img/fastqc_bad.png width="100%"> </p> ] .content-box-info[ - A decrease in sequence quality along the reads is normal. - R2 (reverse) reads are usually worse than R1 (forward) reads. ] --- ## FastQC — other checks FastQC will also check for things like: - Adapter content - Possible contaminants - GC content --- ## Other file formats - **Alignment files: SAM and BAM** *SAM* and the binary/compressed counterpart *BAM* contain the original sequences (reads) and the coordinates of the genome they were aligned to. Forward and reverse reads are stored in the same sam/bam, so you tend to have one sam/bam per sample. - **Index files** Genome fasta files and bam files often have to be *indexed* for quick access. For fasta files, these indices are *specific* to the program used for alignment. ```sh my_genome.fa my_genome.fa.fai sample1.bam sample1.bam.bai ``` --- ## Other file formats (cont.) - **Annotation files: GTF and GFF** One "feature" (annotated element, e.g. gene, exon, UTR, etc) per row. Contains genomic coordinates and other info for each feature. - **Simple coordinate files: BED** - **Variant files: VCF** --- ## Working with compressed files - To save space, fastq files and some other formats are often compressed with `gzip`, so their extension is, e.g., `fastq.gz`. - Many programs, e.g. aligners, can work directly with compressed files. - Several Unix shell utilities have counterparts to directly view and access compressed files (`cat` -> `zcat`, `less` -> `zless`, `grep` -> `zgrep`). .content-box-info[ While BAM files can't be viewed by Unix utilities, they *can* be used by many programs, and you can use `samtools` to view them. ] --- ## Key resources to get started - Shell tutorial geared towards genomics work: [Data Carpentry – Introduction to the Command Line for Genomics]( - Youtube playlist of videos from an RNAseq workshop: [ 2018 RNAseq Workshop](